
Entity Definition

Logical Name : BusinessDomain
Physical Name : CO_BSN_DMN

A named set of business processes that are sequentially related and establish an end to end view of a retail business function. For example, the BusinessDomain "Sell Product" is composed of a number of business processes that begin with a customer request process and end with a retail transaction settlement process. The domain consists of a number of processes and alternate process flows but is characterized by a beginning and end state and sequential execution of processes in between.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
BusinessDomainID (PK) A token ID for a BusinessDomain instance ID_BSN_DMN Identity integer
BusinessDomainName The business name used to reference a BusinessDomain instance. NM_BSN_DMN DescriptionShort varchar(255)
BusinessDomainNarrative A short narrative description of the business domain. NA_BSN_DMN DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
BusinessDomain is composed of BusinessDomainProcess

Logical Views containing BusinessDomain

Logical View
Logical 10400 - Enterprise - Channels